How often do you talk to your car insurance agent? Independent car insurance agencies can continue to provide ongoing support long after the ink has dried on your policy. If you haven’t utilized the services of your agent, you could be missing out on some valuable assistance. Here are 5 reasons why your independent agent wants you to drop by or pick up the phone and call.
You Need Help with the Fine Print
Have you read every word in your insurance policy? When you have an agent, you have access to someone who can summarize the details within your coverage and answer any questions you may have. Maybe you plan to loan your car to a friend and need to know if your vehicle is protected. Perhaps you are thinking of driving part-time for a ride-sharing service and are wondering if you are covered on the job. Maybe you are adding some custom parts to your vehicle and want to ensure they would be replaced if damaged in an accident. Whatever your question, your car insurance agency is there to help.
You Need to File a Claim
The average person is involved in an accident about once every 17 to 18 years. Though most will not be severe accidents, they do typically warrant a claim against your coverage. That’s not to mention the more frequent smaller claims you might file, such as when your sunroof is shattered by debris or you accidentally back into your garage door. When you need to file a claim – big or small – give your insurance agency a call. Agents can walk you through the claims process and help facilitate the communication between you and your insurer.
You Need to Adjust Your Coverage
Seasons change, and so do your car insurance coverage needs. Perhaps you need to add a new driver to your household or add coverage for a new vehicle. Maybe you want to increase your liability limits to ensure your assets are better protected against litigation. By contacting your agent, you can share your concerns, find out your options, and move forward with the solutions that are right for you.
You Want to Save More
When money gets tight, and you are looking for ways to trim your expenses, your car insurance might hold the answer. Car insurance agencies guide their customers in understanding how to safely increase their savings without sacrificing coverage. For example, your agent can help you understand how things like your deductible could be affecting your coverage. As the Insurance Information Institute reports, raising your insurance deductible might save money on your premiums. You might also learn how to qualify for valuable discounts, such as lower rates for bundling home and auto insurance with the same company.
You Change Jobs
CNN reported this spring that Americans are changing jobs more frequently than ever before. In fact, millennials change jobs an average of 4 times by age 32. If you decide to leave the workplace, start working from home, or take a job with a longer or shorter commute, your insurance agent needs to know about it. The number of miles you drive each year have a significant effect on your insurance and could raise or lower your cost of coverage.