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It’s Time to Be Thankful for Everything in Your Life!

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It’s almost the time of year to eat ourselves silly while watching football and bantering with loved ones. Thanksgiving Day is a busy day in late autumn when we get together with family and friends to celebrate the blessing in our lives. Other cultures around the world hold similar festivities this time of year. In the United States, we observe the Thanksgiving holiday on the fourth Thursday of November.

Thanksgiving is a holiday than is much older than you might think.  We’ve all heard the story of the first Thanksgiving, with Native Americans and the pilgrims sitting down to a meal. In reality, that Thanksgiving was likely an observance of a much older harvest festival dating back centuries before Europeans ever set foot in America. In fact, events like this have likely been held since humans first started planting crops. Celebrations like this took place after the harvest to give thanks for a successful season. In America it’s been a federal holiday since 1863 when Abraham Lincoln first declared it to be a national day of “Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens”.

Life in America offers us many great advantages, and it can be really easy to take everything we have for granted. Many of us own cars, a nice home, and maybe even a vacation property. While others choose to rent an apartment and no have no car. But even the least wealthy 5% of Americans are wealthier than 70% of the world’s population. If you have a steady income from a job or business, a loving family, long-time friends and your health, you start realizing just how truly rich your life is.

To protect the things in life that you love most, a sound insurance plan is suggested. This might include homeowner’s insurance, car insurance, and possibly business insurance. You may also want to opt for an umbrella policy for added protection. Last, but certainly not least, you should consider your well-being and get proper health insurance, disability insurance, and life insurance.

During the happiness of the holiday season, the last thing you probably want to do is think about bad things happening to you, your family, or your possessions. However, if you give it a little thought – it might motivate you to check your coverage before it’s too late. While insurance won’t take away the risk of living your life, it can make you feel a little better to know that if something bad happens, your financial well-being is not at risk.

Take some time to appreciate the blessings in your life this November. Then review your coverage to ensure all of your blessings will be protected. Give us a call, we’d be more than happy to help!  And please, have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!